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Interactive Power Devices for Efficiency in Automotive with Increased Reliability and Safety

06/2012 – 10/2015
Institut mikroelektronických aplikací s.r.o.
Project Name:
Interactive Power Devices for Efficiency in Automotive with Increased Reliability and Safety
Project No.:

About project

IMA became a coordinator of an ENIAC project IDEAS – „Interactive power devices for efficiency in automotive with increased reliability and safety“.

The overall objective of „IDEAS “- is to develop advanced packaging for power supply omponents and new generation memory systems having application on Electric and ICE propelled vehicles and aiming at covering aspects not yet addressed in running ENIAC and ARTEMIS Automotive projects. IMA provides international coordination of the entire Eniac IDEAS project.

On the technical level IMA develops BBCU Body Board Control Unit based on new e-MMC Micron outstanding memory and verifies its usability and robustness. Data conversion and processing will aim to the development of data acquisition system, which involves EV communication interfaces, primarily wired (e.g. FlexRay, CAN), optionally wireless.Innovative aspect:Integration of the new reliable memory block into the control unit in order to achieve highly robust fly-recorder-like unit for the new generation of vehicles.

Commercialization: BBCU developed within the IDEAS project, will be offered to producers of vehicle components. Its versatility predetermines the unit for wide utilization in the vehicle industry.

Project has 14 partners – from Italy, Czech Republic, Poland and Greece.

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