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Protection of data flows in shared means of transport

01/2022 – 12/2024
Project Name:
Protection of data flows in shared means of transport
Project No.:
3. veřejná soutěž programu DOPRAVA 2020+

About project

The project responds to the increasingly intensive process of digitization of traffic management systems and transport vehicles as such and should provide tools to ensure user liability while maintaining a high level of protection of shared and processed data, especially personal data. The relevance is further increased by the current tendencies not only in the commercial sector to prioritize sharing of vehicles. The project aims to contribute with results both at the conceptual level and in the form of technical outputs, i.e. functional sample of a specific hardware solution providing a high level of protection in the digitization of shared transport vehicles and authentication software. The conceptual output is ensured by creating recommendations of technical as well as legal nature.

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