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Distributed Multi-Sensor Systems For Human Safety And Health

5/2024 – 4/2027
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy
Project Name:
Distributed Multi-Sensor Systems For Human Safety And Health
Project No.:

About project

We are surrounded by a variety of more-or-less intelligent technical devices, designed to serve us. Applications on your mobile phones, wrist-worn health sensors, robots on the factory floor and increasingly autonomous cars – all pledge to ease your tasks and keep us safe and healthy. We expect continuously available support from the services they provide, yet we want them to disappear unobtrusively in the background when not needed. To provide support in a collaborative environment with human, physical and digital actors, the technology needs to be equipped with senses to grasp human presence, their mental and physical state, their activities and intentions. This is required to ensure human safety, safeguard health, and allow for natural interaction. This project intends to improve sensing of human presence, behavior and health in a collaborative or common environment by means of multi-sensor systems.

IMA will develop a wearable edge device with communication, storage, sensor fusion and pre-processing abilities. IMA will also contribute to the privacy and safety issues of the developed technologies as well as embedding and testing wireless edge device.

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