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Nové směry v elektronice pro průmysl 4.0 a medicínu 4.0

České vysoké učení technické v Praze – Fakulta elektrotechnická
Project Name:
Nové směry v elektronice pro průmysl 4.0 a medicínu 4.0
Project No.:
Veřejná soutěž NCK 2 (STA02022TN020)

About project

Main objective is to create a synergic interdisciplinary cooperation between research and commercial companies. The goal is to realize intelligent structures, components, sensors, modules and systems and connectivity with reduced production costs, high reliability and competition in global markets to meet the trend of Industry 4.0, Medical 4.0. Sub-objectives include the development of smart technologies for structural electronics, sensors, embedded systems including interfaces for data transmission and processing, all common to support the development of industrial and medical systems. The results will be used for modern industrial, transport, defence and security systems, for increasing the safety of production processes and for improving the quality of life of people in society.

The project clusters that IMA is part of are focused on the development of robust sensors with high reliability, durability and low production costs with applications in both industry and medicine. Attention is focused on autonomic sensors for monitoring the state of the surrounding environment, sensors for IoT, sensors for non-contact measurement with use in industry, biomedicine as well as development of sensors and sensor systems designed especially for medicine for early diagnosis and home care. Another focus is on the implementation of electronic systems for automotive, embedded systems, integration of electronics and other systems into one unit and many more. All clusters are interconnected by activities that extend beyond each research segment.

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