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Secure situational awareness for critical cyber-physical systems

03/2024- 02/2027
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
Project Name:
Secure situational awareness for critical cyber-physical systems
Project No.:
ITEA Call 2022

About project

Sa4CPS aims to develop a secure situation awareness concept for critical cyber-physical systems in the logistics, mobility, energy and security sectors. The targeted innovation will arise from the application of novel solutions for situational awareness with a digital zero-trust approach with distributed ledger technologies (DLT). The aim is to enable situation-aware IoT, operating in a smart way with AI, and DLT for enabling shared digital trust for multiple stakeholders. The Sa4CPS concept is expected to improve the resiliency, security, privacy and safety of people, autonomous physical objects and company digital twins during unexpected events such as accidents and physical or virtual attacks.

IMA will design, develop and implement an AI based sensor system for a monitoring of an interaction among humans and machines within production site. An early alert service for collision avoidance development. Data sets acquisition for objects (HM) featuring. In cooperation with Charles univerzity a situation awareness modeling will be developed.

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