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Electromagnetic Reliability (EMR) of Electronic Systems for Electro Mobility

03/2013 – 03/2015
AUDI AG – Germany
Project Name:
Electromagnetic Reliability (EMR) of Electronic Systems for Electro Mobility
Project No.:

About project

The objective of the EMR Platform project is to achieve high system reliability from the perspective of noise immunity (EMR) of nano electronic components (IC – sensors – power devices) and electronic modules required for future developments in automotive and semiconductor industries. Special attention will be given to electrical propulsion systems. Synergy with other closely related industries operating also in harsh electromagnetic environments will be gained.

New methodologies to reduce electromagnetic noise emission generated by power electronic components, modules and systems, and to increase vice versa the noise immunity of smart sensors systems will be developed. Aspects of Time-To-Market and cost efficiency will be taken into account. Nano-electronic systems (including the sensor technologies) and power semiconductors for Electrical Vehicles (EV) are subjects of this research project with the focus on technology development for the EMR improvements.

IMA activities in EM4EM projects are focused on preparation of the platform and communication interface for the testing of the electronic board in the EM field. Chosen platform is a Body and Board Communication Unit recently developed within IDEAS project. Tested interface is I2C ensuring the communication within the unit between two dedicated MCU. This surveillance is provided via I2C bus. Therefore, EMC immunity of this communication has to be enhanced. Test procedures take place at CVUT’s specialized laboratory.

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