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Process Oriented Electrical Control Units for Electrical Vehicles Developed on a multi-system real-time embedded platform

03/2020 – 09/2013
Project Name:
Process Oriented Electrical Control Units for Electrical Vehicles Developed on a multi-system real-time embedded platform
Project No.:

About project

In September 2013, our company IMA took part in final review meeting of the project POLLUX – Process Oriented Electrical Control Units for Electrical Vehicles Developed on a multi-system real-time embedded platform.

The project aimed to develop the advanced embedded technologies in automotive. Within the project 36 partners from 10 EU countries proofed successful cooperation. The project was coordinated by SINTEF compeny and with its total budget 33 Million Euro the project was ranked to the biggest Artemis project. The objective of IMA in the project was to design and develop a Remote monitoring for EV as a new part of EV control system.

At the final review IMA successfully demonstrated data acquisition of the EV bus or wireless sensors. The Remote monitoring task was coordinated by IMA in close cooperation with BUT, IFAT, Ficosa, AKKA and PSA. Numerous posters and real demonstrators shows excellent project outcomes in field of electronics and software engineering. Nearly four years long project was successfully vindicated.

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