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Energy for Smart Objects

09/2017 – 12/2019
STMicroelectronics – France
Project Name:
Energy for Smart Objects
Project No.:

About project

Project EnSO “Energy for Smart Objects” project is focusing on this very generic need with the goal to provide Autonomous Micro Energy Sources (AMES). AMES will at least consist of 3 elements:

  • micro storage
  • energy harvester and smart charger and
  • power conditioning IC.

EnSO objectives are:

  • Demonstrate the competiveness of EnSO energy solutions for powering the autonomous Smart objects of the targeted Smart Society and Smart Health key applications
  • Disseminate EnSO energy solutions with easy to use demonstration kits and support autonomous smart objects prototyping in a large number of use cases to foster the take-up of emerging markets
  • Develop high reliable assembly technologies of shapeable micro batteries, energy harvesters and power management building blocks for Autonomous Micro Energy Sources «AMES»
  • Develop and demonstrate very high capacity (> 20 mAh) and very high density (> 300Wh/l), low profile, shapeable, long time, rechargeable micro battery product family (multiple voltages, low internal resistance, short circuit tolerant, high temperature assembly)
  • Develop customizable smart recharging and energy harvesting enabling technologies with adequate power conditioner IP blocks for Autonomous Micro Energy Source «AMES»
  • Demonstrate and evaluate the AMES design and manufacturing capability based on generic key enabling building blocks (storage harvesting and power conditioning) for smart autonomous micro-systems

IMA is being focused on solar and thermoelectric harvesting power supply devices measurement on automated test bed for measurement and characterisation of these devices.

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