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Automated protective equipment management and monitoring for industry and dangerouse spaces

07/2017 – 06/2020
IMA s.r.o. – CZ
Project Name:
Automated protective equipment management and monitoring for industry and dangerouse spaces
Project No.:

About project

The aim of the project is the research, development, and functional verification of complex automated system for monitoring the use of personal protective equipment workers in manufacturing and processing enterprises (hereinafter ASMO).

The system is designed for automated control of use, durability and inspection of personal protective equipment such as helmets, safety belts assembly, protective masks etc. and will register such devices and equipment as extinguishers, gas detection, radiation and hazardous substances detectors. Utilising the system will improve the safety and health of workers, increase efficiency of work performance, reduce the number of occupational accidents and simplify the registration, inspection, handling and management of protective equipment.

System will utilise new readers but also a wide range of enterprises already installed readers and entry barriers (doors, turnstiles, gates, detection frames and the like.). This will ensure effective system operation.
System is based on contactless RFID identifiers placed on protective devices, which are automatically detected at points of entry into the monitored operations reading devices connected to the system ASMO.

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