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Trusted European SiC Value Chain for a greener Economy

01/2021 – 10/2024
Project Name:
Trusted European SiC Value Chain for a greener Economy
Project No.:

About project

Project TRANSFORM improves current SiC technologies beyond state-of-the-art to serve large emerging markets for electric power conversion in renewable energies, mobility and industry.
TRANSFORM will provide European downstream market players with a reliable source of SiC (= Silicon Carbide based power electronics use electrical energy significantly more efficient than current silicon-based semiconductors: gains from 6% to 30% are expected depending on application. ) components and systems based on an entirely European value chain – from substrates to energy converters.
Substrate manufacturing process innovation will establish a new global standard: smart-cut technology allows high scalability, superior performance and reliability. Substrate and equipment manufacturers plus technology providers cooperate to increase maturity of the new processes from lab demonstration to pilot lines. Device manufacturers develop and tailor processes and device design based on the new substrate process, including adaptation of planarMOS and development of new TrenchMOS technology. Performance and reliability of devices is expected to increase greatly. The project will demonstrate energy savings in applications (DC/AC, DC/ DC, AC/DC) in the renewable energy domain, industry and automotive.

IMA together with BUT will implement power module AC/DC converter fully integrated into the smart environment, connected to the remote supervising dashboard and connecting to the local environmental IoT LP WAN. IMA will complement the power AC/DC convertor by secure electronics and create cloud based dashboard for smart remote monitoring, supervision and maintenance if the equipment.

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