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THIN but Great Silicon 2 Design Objects

01/2014 – 12/2017
STMicroelectronics (Grenoble 2 SAS) – France
Project Name:
THIN but Great Silicon 2 Design Objects
Project No.:
ENIAC JU 621221, MSMT 7H14007

About project

THINGS2DO is the ENIAC KET Pilot Line project addresses subprogram 3. Energy Efficiency, 6. Design technologies and 4. Health and Ageing Society.

The program THINGS2DO is focused on building the Design & Development Ecosystem for FD-SOItechnology. This technology is uniquely positioned to take advantage of some very distinct strengths of the European Semiconductor Industry. The baseline 28nm FD-SOI-technology is available at an inflection point in the semiconductor progression path and offers unique features at this particular point in time. 14nm-FD-SOI will then take the technology’s integration potential to unprecedented levels, utilizing the design/development ecosystem developed here.

Within the Czech participation in the project, IMA will together with UTIA develop and validate a lowpower
applications, based on FD-SOI technology. IMA will complement samples of integrated circuits about software drivers and will participate on their testing and optimalization. The created solution will be the basis of the mass production of new integrated circuits.

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