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Contactless technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT)

04/2012 – 12/2014
Institut mikroelektronických aplikací s.r.o.
Project Name:
Contactless technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT)
Project No.:

About project

IMA has received from the program TIP – Program project R & D 2012 subsidy from Ministry of Industry and Trade for the research and development project no. FR-TI4 / 530 titled – “Contactless technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT)”.

This innovative project was focused on research and development, respectively on the development of advanced technologies RFID identification and localization of objects called Internet of Things (IoT).

The whole process was solved from verification of technology for labeling with UHF chips for extreme conditions, through a network of readers terminals to connecting to a superior IDSIMA system, whose author and owner is IMA. The solution of the IDENT system consists from components for locating and identifying objects and utility software. The system allows by using UHF technology realize the required identification and data processes for laundry logistics in medical facilities and laundries and tracking other objects.

This is a new solution in the area of IoT, worldwide the product with these parameters and the functional properties is not routinely offered. The solution enables unattended mass identification and localization of laundry in hundreds of pieces.

Solution with research and commercial output reacts on the current market situation and the increased demand of healthcare facilities for cost savings and simultaneously contributes to reducing health risks in handling contaminated material and to protection of property. It is multiple usable for process control identification, localization and handling of subjects with high demands on speed and efficiency (furniture and functional buildings equipment, apparatus, instruments etc.). It allows objects monitoring and quick and easy registration
and inventory.

IoT solution was verified in practice and presented at the IMA INFO days and published in scientific journals.

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