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Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility

05/2011 – 04/2014
Project Name:
Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility
Project No.:
269374, 7H11100 – CZ

About project

IMA takes part in the ARTEMIS-JU project IoE – Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility.

Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility project (IoE) is developing hardware, software and middleware for seamless, secure connectivity and interoperability by connecting the Internet with energy grids to create an electric mobility infrastructure.

The project will address reference designs and embedded systems architectures for highly efficient, innovative smart network systems regarding requirements of compatibility, networking, security, robustness, diagnosis, maintenance, integrated resource management, and self-organisation.

Efficient, clean, safe and seamless mobility: IoE propose innovative solutions for interfacing the Internet with the power grid with applications for electric mobility, helping to make transport more sustainable, efficient, clean, safe and seamless.

IoE is supporting both the development of the future electric grid by using data communication to move electricity more efficiently, reliably and affordably and the development of the future Internet by using the electric grid to facilitate and speed-up the communication amongst the various energy nodes and domains.

The project consortium is formed by 42 partners.

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