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Fusion between video analytics and mobile phones for large-scale scenario – Face To Phone

2015 – 2017
DFRC AG – Swiss
Project Name:
Fusion between video analytics and mobile phones for large-scale scenario – Face To Phone
Project No.:
E!9857 / CZ: 7D15008

About project

IMA received a grant from the EUREKA EUROSTARS program supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the Face To Phone (F2P) research and development project.

The aim of this project is to develop a platform capable of creating the assignment of a face (as a biometric feature) to a user’s mobile phone in large and security-intensive spaces. The project will define the method of pairing mobile phones and personal IDs from the identification system; implement a system for generating alerts based on atypical behavior and violation of set criteria; and create a platform over the identification system, allowing pairing of other identifiers. The developed and integrated system will then be put into operation at the test site.

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