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System for effective electronic identification

2008 – 2010
Institut mikroelektronických aplikací s.r.o.
Project Name:
System for effective electronic identification
Project No.:

About project

IMA received a grant from the IMPULS program of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic for R&D project No.: FI-IM5/229 – “System for effective electronic identification“ (EfeID).

The implementation of an effective electronic identification system. Due to the multifunctional management of ID transactions provided by separate clients, their investments and follow up operational costs shall be reasonably decreased. The goal is to develop and verify EfeID solution for interfacing standard information (personal) systems.

The system concentrates the management of eID transactions into the server. Reasonably decreases investment and next operational costs for target stakeholders. Unified inputs of for standard personal systems are available. Central maintenance and development of the system in line with legislative up date is available. System is compliant with i2010 concept of EU.

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