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Flow Analytics for Smart Cities

01/2013 – 06/2014
DFRC – Swiss
Project Name:
Flow Analytics for Smart Cities
Project No.:

About project

IMA received a grant from EUROSTARS program (via MEYS) for R&D project no. E!7439 „Flow Analytics for Smart Cities”.

CityFlow will build wide-scale demographic databases based on how people move within a city. The project will provide operators of physical premises such as shops, shopping malls and even municipalities, with detailed demographic information on their customers without interfering with their privacy.

Using anonymous mobile phone location data collected by various sensors deployed citywide, CityFlow will be able to provide a demographic analysis, footfall analysis, and activity pattern information at specific locations (such as in shop or near  advertisement signs) as well as information related to larger infrastructures such as public transport systems.

The task of IMA in the CityFlow project is the design and production of various variants of sensor network elements to ensure optimal function in interior as well as exterior environment. The detection elements must be weatherproof, vandal proof and must guarantee an uninterrupted and reliable detection and real-time reporting to system backend servers. IMA is in contact with privacy protection experts and implements personal data protection mechanism into the system. Another task of IMA is development and integration of CityFlow system with CCTV monitoring system.

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