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Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub) Systems

06/2012 – 01/2016
Inabensa – Spain
Project Name:
Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub) Systems
Project No.:

About project

IMA takes part in an ARTEMIS project ACCUS which aims at three innovations:

  • Provide an integration and coordination platform for urban systems to build applications across urban systems
  • Provide an adaptive and cooperative control architecture and corresponding algorithms for urban subsystems in order to optimize their combined performance
  • Provide general methodologies and tools for creating real-time collaborative applications for systems of systems
  • Project has 32 partners – from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Finnland, Poland, Slovenia and Czech Republic.

IMA defines sensors usefully applied to cover surveyed areas – home, social or health facility.

All aspects as well as uses cases will be defined in order to set up considered profiles of people behavior. Target group of persons and target demonstration place will be analyzed and defined. The aspects like security, living support, comfort enhancement, person attendance, activity monitoring, lighting control, air quality control will be specified considering the aimed urban environment at home (home care, smart home application envisioned) and at a social or health facility. Envisioned sensors to be working within new ACCUS integration and coordination urban System-of-System are motion/fall sensor, panic sensor, air quality sensors, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi sensors.

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