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Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments

04/2014 – 03/2017
Infineon Technologies AG – Germany
Project Name:
Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments
Project No.:

About project

The objective of the EMC² project “Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments” is to foster these changes through an innovative and sustainable service-oriented architecture approach for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments.

The EMC² project focuses on the industrialization of European research outcomes and builds on the results of several previous ARTEMIS, European and National projects. It provides the paradigm shift to a new and sustainable system architecture which is suitable to handle open dynamic systems. EMC² is part of the European Embedded Systems industry strategy to maintain its leading edge position by providing solutions for: Dynamic Adaptability in Open Systems, utilization of expensive system features only as Service-on-Demand in order to reduce the overall system cost, handling of mixed criticality applications under real-time conditions, scalability and utmost flexibility, full scale deployment and management of integrated tool chains, through the entire lifecycle and power supply challenges from dynamic operational changes in MCMC real time systems.

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